MLSCN Payment Hub
This is the official platform for making all payments to MLSCN..

Practitioner Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only practitioners.

Training Institution Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only training institutions.

Laboratory Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only laboratories.

Student Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only students.

EQA Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only EQA Participants.

NalEEC Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only NaLEEC services.

IVDs Payments
This contains list of payments applicable to only IVDs Importers & Marketers.

Donations & Refunds
This provides a platform for Donations & Refunds to be made to Council.

Sundry Fines & Revenues
This provides a platform for Fines to be made to Council.

Tender Fees
This provides a platform for tender fees made to Council.

Asset Sale Payments
This provides a platform for asset sales payments made to Council.